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Lexmark X651de MFP

Št. dela.: 16M1258


  • Enobarvni laser
  • Obojestransko tiskanje: Integrirani dupleks
  • Hitrost tiskanja: Do 43 str/min
  • Priporočena mesečna količina strani: 3000 - 20000 Strani
  • energy star logo

Opis izdelka

Compact and easy to install, the Lexmark X651de multifunction laser offers high-quality copying and scanning, paper-saving duplex printing and rapid output speeds up to 43 ppm.

IPSec, SNMPv3 and 802.1x network security

Rapid high-quality scanning in monochrome and colour

Optimised workflow capabilities with flexible scan destinations and formats

Optional hard disk supports advanced features, like on-screen scan previews

Outstanding versatility

One size never fits all. That’s why Lexmark offers you more options, more versatility and more functionality for a truly customised solution. Choose from a wide range of flexible features to achieve a perfect fit for your business.

High Yield Print Cartridges and Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program help reduce landfill

Input options let you load up to 3,200 sheets

Enormously intuitive touch screen

The incredibly large, fully featured colour touch screen gives you fast, easy access to document capture and workflow functions. Tailor it to your business requirements with the icons and shortcuts you need most. You can even change the background image to whatever suits you best, like your own logo.

Lexmark’s guarantee to you

Lexmark's 1-Year Onsite guarantee provides added peace of mind. Enhanced service offerings may be available by contacting your Lexmark representative or visiting Optimize your printer's performance and investment value by using genuine Lexmark supplies, service and parts.

Secure data encryption and disk wiping

Efficient traffic shaping

When you email a large file from your Lexmark X651de MFP, it won’t cause a traffic jam on your network. That’s because traffic-shaping technology can partition your network traffic and designate lower bandwidth for outbound flows. This is especially useful for busy networks and externally hosted Web servers.

Industry-leading access restrictions, including LDAP

On-screen scan previews

Before you scan and email an important image file, see how it looks and fits on the page. Should it be in colour or black and white? Is the page orientation correct? Are you sure you scanned the correct side of the page? You may also want to check the file size of the scanned document before you save or forward it on. The Lexmark X651de lets you preview your scan and note the file size, saving you time and eliminating errors (hard disk required).

Proactively tracks and identifies security risks

Multitalented copying

Benefit from a rich range of advanced copy functions to boost your productivity, such as Priority Copy to temporarily interrupt long print runs; ID Card Copy to copy both sides of a card on a single sheet; Sample Copy to proof the first copy set before printing the remaining copies; and Remote Copy, which you can use to scan colour documents on your monochrome Lexmark X651de MFP and retrieve them from a Lexmark colour laser printer.

Prints black, thinks green

Lexmark multifunction technology makes it easy to reduce the amount of information you print, copy and distribute in hardcopy format. You’ll save time, costs and office space, while powering fewer devices. You can also significantly reduce cartridge waste by using Lexmark’s high-yield print cartridges, which boast page yields – up to 25,000 pages.

Personalised user settings

A real efficiency booster, Lexmark’s new MyMFP feature lets multiple users save and re-access their personal settings on a simple flash drive, including their local address book, personal fax numbers, individual copy settings, and even their own touch-screen configuration. They simply walk up to the MFP, slide in their flash drive and the MFP literally transforms into their own personal device. A warm welcome each time they use it!

Eco-Mode reduces power consumption

Effortless manageability

Take a load off your help desk. These printers are network-ready and very easy to set up. If you’re installing multiple Lexmark laser devices, the Lexmark Universal Driver offers even easier deployment. Once you’re up and running, Lexmark’s free remote management software, Lexmark MarkVision™ Professional, keeps the workday flowing.

The Lexmark X651de packs more benefits than ever into a high-performance, space-saving multifunction laser. Power up your workgroup with reliable, ultra-fast printing and copying. Boost productivity with superior colour-scanning capabilities and efficient workflow solutions. And experience smart, new ways to lower costs while reducing the environmental impact of printing.

Built-in duplex printing saves paper

Lexmark’s Embedded Solutions Framework

Experience more productivity than you could ever imagine! Lexmark new MFPs come solutions-ready, so you can easily opt for one of Lexmark’s leading workflow-enhancing applications, such as Remote Copy, embedded Document Accounting Solution, and more. These solutions are specially designed to help you lower costs, analyse usage patterns, expand your functionality and move information more efficiently throughout your enterprise. To find out how multifunction solutions can boost your performance, call your Lexmark representative today.

Enhance workflow performance!

There are enough things that can slow you down in a day – your documents shouldn’t be one of them. Powerful print speeds and intelligent time-saving features team up to make your workday fully efficient and productive.

Customisable touch screen for simple one-touch operation

25,000-page print cartridges reduce waste as well as lower your cost per page

Cost saving and environmental features

Energy Star compliant

Rapid printing and copying as fast as 43 ppm

MyMFP lets users personalise the touch screen with the functions and shortcuts they use most

Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program offers fast, free and easy recycling

Duplex printing, Print and Hold, multi-up and support of recycled paper help reduce paper consumption

Lexmark’s Embedded Solutions Framework enables your MFP to be tailored for workflow efficiency

Loads of benefits packed into one device!

What can device consolidation do for your business? If you’re still struggling between multiple devices across your office – printers, scanners, copiers and fax machines – then your true productivity potential is still far out of reach. But with Lexmark, there’s an easy fix! Solidly robust and competitively fast, Lexmark’s industry-leading MFPs allow you to unite all your critical document functions into one high-performance device. And the benefits go far! You’ll optimise office space and save money on hardware, consumables, service contracts and even electricity.

Eco-Mode reduces power consumption and Quiet Mode reduces noise emission

Cutting-edge security

The Lexmark X651de is equipped with state-of-the-art security to protect your valuable corporate data. It also features customisable user-access controls, allowing you to enable or disable functions with ease.

The Productivity Checklist

If you’ve got all these, then you’ve got a Lexmark!

Kaj je v paketu

  • Power cord(s)
  • Setup guide or sheet (network and local attachment)
  • Software and documentation CD
  • Safety sheet or booklet
  • Statement of limited warranty / guarantee
  • Safety stability sheet
  • Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program Information
  • Blue Angel sheet
  • Up to 7,000 pages* Return Program Print Cartridge
  • Lexmark X651de multifunction laser printer

*Average Cartridge Yield 7,000 standard pages. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752.

Box contents may vary by country and/or reseller. Subject to change without notice.

Ethernet or USB cable not included.

Splošni tehnični podatki

Št. dela. 16M1258
Tehnologija tiskanja
  • Enobarvni laser
  • kopiranje
  • barvnega skeniranja
  • tiskanje
  • Skeniranje omrežja
Velikost delovne skupine
  • Srednje velika delovna skupina
  • Lexmark e-Task 7-palčni (17,8 cm) barvni zaslon na dotik
Podprte velikosti medija
  • A6, 7 3/4 Ovojnica, 9 Ovojnica, JIS-B5, A4, Pravno, A5, Pismo, Izjava, Izvršni, Univerzalni, DL ovojnica, Folio, 10 Ovojnica
Standardna vrata
  • Sprednja vrata USB, združljiva s tehnologijo USB 2.0 (Vrsta A), Vrata USB (Vrsta A), združljiva s tehnologijo USB 2.0, Ethernet 10/100BaseTX (RJ-45), deluje tudi z 1000Base-T, Specifikacija USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Certified (tip B), En reža za notranjo kartico
Velikost (mm - V x D x G)
  • 755 x 548 x 611 mm
  • 45.4 kg
Dimenzije embalaže (mm - V x D x G)
  • 1020 x 735 x 700 mm
Teža paketa (kg)
  • 58.5 kg


Hitrost kopiranja
  • Do:
  • črno: 43 kopij/min (A4)
Prva stran
  • je kopirana v:
  • črno-bela: 7.5 sekund
Stopnja pomanjšave / povečave
  • 25 - 400 %


Hitrost tiskanja
  • Do:
  • črno: 43 str/min (A4)
Hitrost tiskanja Duplex-obojestransko
  • Do:
  • črno: 29 str/min (A4)
Prva stran
  • je natisnjena v:
  • črno-belo: 8.0 sekund
Ločljivost tiska
  • črna: 1200 x 1200 dpi, 2400 IQ (2400 x 600 dpi), 600 x 600 dpi, 1200 IQ (1200 x 600 dpi)
Obojestransko tiskanje
  • Integrirani dupleks
Površina tiskanja
  • mm: 4.2 mm od zgornjega, spodnjega, desnega in levega robu (znotraj)

Optično branje

Tip skenerja / Optično branje s samodejnim podajalnikom dokumentov
  • Ploski skener z ADF
  • ADF: Enostransko
Območje skeniranja
  • mm:
  • 216 x 355.6 mm (maksimum)
A4/Ltr Enostranska hitrost skeniranja
  • Do:
  • črno: 55 Strani na minuto
Ločljivost skeniranja
  • 600 x 600 ppi (črna)
APD vhodna kapaciteta papirja / APD izhodna kapaciteta papirja
  • Do: 75 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
  • Do: 75 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2

Ravnanje s papirjem

Podprte velikosti medija
  • Vinilne etikete, Etikete na poli, Papirnate nalepke, Karton, Navaden papir, Poliesterske etikete, Dvoslojne etikete, Prosojnice, Ovojnice, Glejte navodila za karton in nalepke
Dodatek sortiranja
  • luknjanja in spenjanja:
  • Ne
Število vnosov papirja
  • standardno: 2
  • največje: 6
Vhodna kapaciteta papirja
  • standardna: 650 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
  • maksimalna: 3200 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
  • 650 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
Izhodna kapaciteta papirja
  • Do:
  • standardna: 550 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
  • maksimalna: 550 listov papirja teže 70 g/m2
Podprt razred teže papirja
  • 60 - 176 g/m2 (standardni predal (g))
Standardna papirna opcija
  • Integriran duplex, 100-listni večnamenski podajalec, 550-listni izhodni zabojnik, 550-listni vhodni predal
Dodatne papirne opcije
  • 550-listni podajalnik, 250-listni podajalnik, Zahtevana dodatna pohištvena oprema, 400-listni univerzalno nastavljiv predal s podajalnikom, 2.000-listni visoko-kapacitetni podajalec (obvezno potrebujete podstavek s kolesci)
Priporočena mesečna količina strani
  • 3000 - 20000 Strani1
Največji mesečni obratovalni ciklus
  • do:
  • 200000 Strani na mesec2
  • mm - V x D x G:
  • izvlečeni predali (" -V x D x G): 29.7 x 21.6 x 31.1 in.
  • izvlečeni predali: 755 x 548 x 790 mm

Kartuše in obdelava slik

Zdržljivost potrošnega materiala
  • Tiskalna kartuša zmogljivosti do 70003 strani3, Visoko zmogljiv toner za 25.0003 strani3
Pošiljanje tiskalnih kartuš z izdelkom
  • Tiskalna kartuša za program vračila kartuš zmogljivosti do 7000* strani

Strojna oprema

  • 600 MHz
  • standarden: 256 MB
  • maksimum: 1280 MB
Trdi disk
  • Možnost je na voljo
Tiskalniški jeziki
  • standardni:
  • PDF 1.6 emulacija, PCL 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, Microsoft XPS (XML Paper Specification), Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), xHTML, PostScript 3 Emulation, Neposredna slika
Nabor fontov in simbolov
  • 2 pisave PCL bitmap, 158 stopenjski PostScript fonti, OCR-A, OCR-B razširljive pisave PCL 5e, Za več informacij glejte Tehnični opis., 84 prilagodljivih pisav PCL, 3 od 9 prilagodljivih pisav PCL 5e v ozki, redni in široki, 5 pisav bitnih pisav PPDS, 39 prilagodljivih pisav PPDS
Zaslon na dotik
  • Ja


Možnost neposredne povezave z vrati USB
  • Ja
Ethernetno omrežje
  • Ja
Podpora omrežnega protokola
  • TCP/IP IPv6, IPX/SPX, TCP/IP IPv4, LexLink (DLC), AppleTalk™, TCP, UDP
Omrežne metode tiskanja
  • LPR/LPD, Socket (Raw TCP/IP), Neposredni IP (vrata 9100), HTTP, IPP 1.1 (Internet Printing Protocol), NDPS/NEPS (Novell Distributed Print Services, Novell Netware Enterprise Print Services), NDS Queue-based Printing, FTP, TFTP, Okrepljeno IP (Port 9400), ThinPrint .print integration
Protokoli za upravljanje omrežja
  • DHCP4, APIPA (AutoIP)4, BOOTP, RARP4, mDNS4, IGMP4, SLPv14, Bonjour4, WINS4, DDNS4, SNMPv34, SNMPv2c4, Telnet4, NTP4, ICMP4, HTTP4, DNS4, ARP4, HTTPs (SSL4/TLS)4, Finger4
Varnost omrežja
  • IPSec, SNMPv3, 802.1x Authentication: MD5, MSCHAPv2, LEAP, PEAP, TLS, TTLS
Opcijska lokalna vrata
  • Notranji dvosmerni vzporedni vmesnik 1284-B, Notranja kartica z zaporednim vmesnikom RS-232C
Opcijska mrežna vrata
  • Zunanji MarkNet™ N7020e Gigabit Ethernet, Notranji MarkNet N8120 Gigabit Ethernet, Notranji MarkNet N8150 802.11b/g/n Wireless, Lexmark N4050e 802.11g Wireless Print Server (samo tiskanje), Notranji MarkNet N8130 Fiber Fast Ethernet

Podprti operacijski sistemi

Podprti Microsoft Windows operacijski sistemi
  • Windows Server 2008 x64 running Terminal Services, Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2008 running Terminal Services, Windows 2000 Server, v katerem se izvajajo terminalske storitve, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP x64, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 x64 running Terminal Services, Windows Vista x64, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 running Terminal Services
Podprti Apple operacijski sistemi
  • Apple Mac OS X, Apple Mac OS 9.2
Podprti Linux operacijski sistemi
  • Red Flag Linux Desktop 5.0, 6.0, Ubuntu 7.10, Linspire Linux 6.0, Ubuntu 8.10, 9.04, Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11, openSUSE 10.2, 10.3, 11.0, 11.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, Linpus Linux Desktop 9.2, 9.3
Citrix MetaFrame
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 running Terminal Services with Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 x64, 4.5 x64, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server running Terminal Services with Citrix Presentation Server 3.0, 4.0, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 running Terminal Services with Citrix Presentation Server 3.0, 4.0, 4.5
Podprti Novell operacijski sistemi
  • Novell NetWare 5.x, 6.x z iPrint ali Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS), Novell® Open Enterprise Server za Netware z NDS, iPrint za Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS)
Podprti UNIX operacijski sistemi
  • Sun Solaris SPARC 8, 9, 10, IBM AIX 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, Sun Solaris x86 10, HP-UX 11.11, 11.23, 11.31
Ostali podprti operacijski sistemi
  • IBM iSeries or IBM AS/400® Systems with TCP/IP with OS/400® V3R1 or later using OS/400 Host Print Transform, Virtually any platform supporting TCP/IP

Električni sistemi in delovanje

  • Ja
Običajna poraba električne energije
  • TEC:
  • 8.41 KWh na teden
Stopnja hrupnosti
  • skeniranja:
  • 29 dBA (mirovanje)
  • 54 dBA (obratovanje)
  • 55 dBA (obratovanje)
  • 56 dBA (obratovanje)
Raven hrupa pri obojestranskem tiskanju
  • delovanje:
  • 54 dBA
Povprečna poraba energije pri tiskanju / Povprečna poraba energije pri kopiranju / Povprečna poraba energije pri optičnem branju
  • 700 watts
  • 765 watts
  • 165 watts
Povprečna poraba energije v stanju pripravljenosti z vklopljeno možnostjo varčevanja energije / Povprečna poraba energije v stanju pripravljenosti z izklopljeno možnostjo varčevanja energije
  • 24 watts
  • 95 watts
Določeno delovno okolje
  • Vlažnost: od 8 od 80 % relativne vlažnosti
  • Temperatura: od 16 do 32 °C
  • Višina: od 0 do 3048 metrov
Potrdila izdelka
  • Energy Star, Blue Angel (RAL-UZ-122), CE Class A, CB IEC 60950-1, IEC 60825-1, IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3, EN 55022 Class A, EN 55024, CISPR 22 Class A, IEC 60320, GS (TÜV), EN 60825-1, ACMA A-tick mark Class A, AS/NZS 60950-1, EK Mark, KCC MIC Mark, CCC Class A, UL AR, CS, TÜV Rh
  • 43212110
Država izvora
  • China (PRC)


Garancija izdelka
  • 1-Year Onsite Service, Next Business Day

1"Priporočeni mesečni obseg strani" je vrsta strani, ki strankam pomagajo oceniti ponudbo izdelkov Lexmark na podlagi povprečnega števila strani, ki jih stranke načrtujejo vsakič, da jih natisnejo na napravi. Lexmark priporoča, da je število strani na mesec v dosegu optimalne zmogljivosti naprave, ki temelji na dejavnikih, ki vključujejo: intervale zamenjave zalog, intervale nalaganja papirja, hitrost in značilno porabo strank.
2"Najvišji mesečni delovni cikel" je opredeljen kot največje število strani, ki bi jih naprava lahko dostavila v enem mesecu z uporabo večglasne operacije. Ta metrika zagotavlja primerjavo robustnosti v primerjavi z drugimi Lexmarkovimi tiskalniki in večnamenskimi tiskalniki.
3Povprečna vrednost standardno natisnjenih strani je deklarirana skladno s standardom ISO/IEC 19752.
4 Ta izdelek vključuje programsko opremo, ki jo je razvil OpenSSL Project za uporabo v OpenSSL Toolkit. (

Kakšna je razlika med našim potrošnim materialom iz programa vračila? Skrij/pokaži razlago

Potrošni material iz programa vračila

  • Potrošni material po znižani ceni v primerjavi s cenami običajnih kartuš
  • Stranka se strinja, da bo kartuše po enkratni uporabi vrnila Lexmarku v recikliranje ali vnovično proizvodnjo.
  • Opomba: Nekateri potrošni materiali niso na voljo v sklopu programa vračila

Pomik na potrošni material iz programa vračila

Običajni potrošni material

  • Potrošni material po rednih cenah
  • Kartuše lahko vseeno brezplačno reciklirate v okviru Lexmarkovega programa zbiranja kartuš Več o tem.

Pomik na običajni potrošni material

Drugi potrošni material

  • Kompleti za obdelavo slik
  • Razvijalne enote
  • Stekleničke za odpadno barvilo ipd.

Pomik na drugi potrošni material

Názov Št. dela. Kategorija
14F0100 Povezljivost
57X0070 Pomnilniške opcije
14F0000 Povezljivost
1021294 Povezljivost
14T0220 Povezljivost
1021231 Povezljivost
2365320 Podaljšana garancija
1025041 Pomnilniške opcije
1025042 Pomnilniške opcije
1025043 Pomnilniške opcije
14F0045 Povezljivost
2350543 Podaljšana garancija
SPD0002 Povezljivost