Supports up to a total of 3000 sheets. Only A4 paper size is supported for card stock and various plain, recycled or bond papers in this tray. Tray-present, paper-present and paper-low sensing are supported. Installs on the right side of the printer or MFP. The 2500-Sheet Tandem Tray or 2x 500-Sheet Tray is required to use the 3000-Sheet tray, or to raise the printer or MFP to the correct height for use with the Staple Punch Finisher or the Booklet Finisher.
The 2500-Sheet Tandem Tray or 2x 500-Sheet Tray is required to use the 3000-Sheet tray, or to raise the printer or MFP to the correct height for use with the Staple Punch Finisher or the Booklet Finisher.
Only A4 paper size is supported for card stock and various plain, recycled or bond papers.
Tray-present, paper-present and paper-low sensing are supported.
部品 # | 26Z0089 |
外形寸法 (mm:高 x 幅 x 奥行) |
本体重量(kg) |
パッケージ寸法 (mm - H x W x D) |
パッケージ重量 (kg) |
対応用紙種類 |
対応可能用紙の重さ(gsm) |
UNSPSC コード |
Country of Origin |
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