The Base provides stability and a streamlined look. Hardware is included for connecting the 550-Sheet Drawers, high capacity feeders and printer together as one unit.
The Base provides stability and a streamlined look. Hardware is included for connecting the 550-Sheet Drawers, high capacity feeders and printer together as one unit. All input options must have connecting pins installed. This includes attachment to the printer base and to each other. The barbed tip must be installed on the unit that interfaces with the base of the printer.
部品 # | 34T5114 |
外形寸法 (mm:高 x 幅 x 奥行) |
本体重量(kg) |
パッケージ寸法 (mm - H x W x D) |
パッケージ重量 (kg) |
UNSPSC コード |
Country of Origin |
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