Distributed Capture

Distributed Capture

Share, archive and manage documents more effectively

Centralised scanning has provided Federal agencies with a great capability to scan old files and current paper documents into an electronic format to share with their constituents and to archive and manage more effectively.As new documents and trailing materials are created and need to be added to the already electronic file, the centralised scanning process and infrastructure is costly and inefficient. 

Lexmark has introduced the distributed scanning process through its intelligent Multifunction Printers to allow for a low-cost, efficient method of capturing paper documents and information as part of the normal process of handling the paper into an electronic format that can merge these new documents into the folder of the existing electronic record.

Distributed Scanning Provides the Following Benefits:

  • Reduce the Cost of Operation
  • Speed up the access to scanned information by the whole organisation
  • Eliminate the cost of shipping documents to be scanned
  • Reduce output expenses across all organisations
  • Decrease the number of devices required to run the office
  • Improve metadata accuracy

To learn more about Lexmark solutions, contact us today.